Preventing lifetime obesity by early risk-factor identification, prognosis and intervention
Obesity is one of the main population health threats worldwide,
with a sustained increase in prevalence over the last decades and
a constellation of co-morbidities that seriously hamper individual
wellbeing and life-expectancy. Despite major research efforts,
obesity treatments have proven of limited efficacy. Thus, effective
prevention strategies are essential to avoid the full spectrum of
metabolic complications of overweight during the life-course.

The Global Aim of eprObes (for early prevention of Obesity) is to identify factors (risk and protective) and mechanisms thereof, related with excessive weight gain, in critical maturational periods, including peri- conceptional / gestational, early child development and puberty / adolescence, for setting tailored preventive measures to avoid obesity and its comorbidities in both sexes.

OBEClust, the Cluster Obesity Prevention has been launched including the eprObes project


- Meeting 1 - July 2023 | Kick-off in Madrid
- Meeting 2 - January 2024 | Germany
- Meeting 3 - October 2024 | Turkey
- Meeting 4 - March 2025 | Belgium
- Meeting 5 - October 2025 | Denmark
- Meeting 6 - March 2026 | Madrid
- Meeting 7 & Dissemination event October 2026 | France
- Meeting 8 & Dissemination event - March 2027 | Poland
- Meeting 9 - October 2027 | Lithuania
- Meeting 10 & Dissemination event March 2028 | Madrid